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What is Catification? And How to do it?


Hi Readers.

Since the majority of Singaporeans live in a HDB flat or condo apartment, space is a limitation for many cat owners. For a cat to have a happy life, catification is required. But what is catification, what does it mean to catify? Let's get into it. 

What is Catification? 

Catification is about providing your cats with an enriched environment that will stimulate your cats natural behaviour and meet his essential needs as a cat.

A good catification will give below benefits:
  • Helps prevent behavioural problems.
  • Helps minimise existing behavioural problems and decrease overall stress, anxiety and aggression.
  • Allows more cats to live together peacefully by doubling the territory space and providing multiple entrances and exits out of each others way.
  • Increases your positive interaction with your cats and thereby increase your bond with your cat.
  • Keep your cat fit, active and stimulated in the long hours home alone.
  • It is a great tool to exercise and exhaust your cat through interactive play time. Its essential for your cat to drain some of its energy to give him some feeling of well-being.
  • Prevents destruction of your furniture by providing appropriate and satisfying surfaces to mark territory.
  • Provides safe spaces for anxious cats and increases their self confidence.

Ok, But how to do it?

1) Engage services like The Cat People SG

The Cat People SG is a local company that specialises in catification, cat safety and cat behavioural. Based on your preference, they can personalise your own cat tree, shelves, bridges and scratching posts. They can also have safety nets to make it safe for your cats. Do check them out. 

Example of their work:

catpeople catification

Note: I have not use their services yet but from their reviews and testimonials and from what I saw previously during the Cat Expo, they seem reputable though a bit pricey.

2) Do-It-Yourself

The more cheaper and affordable option is by doing it yourself. You can buy individual shelves, bridges, perches and cat trees from many places online or from physical stores. You only need to get creative about it. Some places you can find are from Amazon.  For cat trees, you can also find them in pet stores as well.

IKEA is another great place for shelves and perches to make your own catification. The best part of IKEA shelves is that they are multi-purpose. 

Below are some examples I personally use for my cats, Yuri & Yoko from IKEA:

IKEA Wall mounted shelves used for catification

Wall mounted shelves from IKEA.

IKEA Wall mounted shelves used for catification

More wall-mounted shelves from IKEA being used as both for display and catification. 

IKEA Wall mounted shelves used for catification

Full catification of my home using IKEA shelves and cat trees in my living room. 


If you don't want the headache of do-it-yourself and willing to pay more, then use services like the Cat People SG to catify your house or home according to your preferences. But if you want to save money and don't mine being creative, do-it-yourself is the best option. And IKEA has many products that can be used for this. 

For Further reading:

Catify to Satisfy: Simple Solutions for Creating a Cat-Friendly Home by Jackson Galaxy 
(Kindle Edition, Paperback Edition)

Catification: Designing a Happy and Stylish Home for Your Cat (and You!) by Jackson Galaxy and Kate Benjamin (Kindle edition, Paperback edition)

Good luck catifying, your cats will thank you! Do share, comment and pin this post to grow the blog.

With Love, Nurul SG

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My name is Nurul and I am a Malay Muslim girl that lives in Singapore. I am a bookworm, halal foodie and nerd/geek. I love to learn and try new things.
